Government Estate to Puratchi Thalaivi Dr.J.Jayalaithaa CMBT Metro Chennai Metro Ticket Price
The table below displays Government Estate to Puratchi Thalaivi Dr.J.Jayalaithaa CMBT Metro Chennai metro ticket fare details, trip card details, and discounted prices. This price is the current updated price in the Chennai metro.
From Station | To Station | Basic Fare | Discounted Fare (20% off) |
Government Estate | Puratchi Thalaivi Dr.J.Jayalaithaa CMBT Metro | ₹40 | ₹32 |
20% Discounted fare for Normal Class - Trip Cards |
Single trip: | ₹32 |
10 Trips 30 Days: | ₹320 |
30 Trips 90 Days: | ₹960 |
60 Trips 180 Days: | ₹1920 |